
Learn to slow down, de-stress, let go and trust your higher self.


The practice of meditation

Meditation takes place in a  small intimate group setting where I channel a unique guided meditation for each individual group. Each meditation is completely different as I follow the energy of the group to bring what is required. Everyone can receive visions, thoughts, feelings and knowings in their meditation which I will then give them messages to connect to their daily life.

Past Life Regression

I also offer individual past life regression along with group sessions.  This deep meditation will take you back in time. I help you discover who you were in a different realm, another life time –where you can uncover blocks that you have bought forward into this life time and why you may have a certain characteristic. 

Discover if you are repeating certain relationships and lessons – are you carrying phobias and fears forward into this life time – are you bringing any ailments into this life? Do you feel connected to certain people and places but don’t understand why? 

Past lives brings understanding which in turn brings about healing and releasing from your cell memory and DNA. Discover and remember pieces hiding in your subconscious mind. These sessions are available as individual or group sessions in person, or via Facetime, Skype or Zoom.

Past Life