My story

As far as I can remember I could always see dead people – people who I could see through.  No one else in my family could see them so I always felt “different”.

I was born in Cornwall, England and moved to Canada with my family when I was 15. Later in life I took a meditation class which opened me up even more to the spirit realms and this is where I learnt I was gifted.  I loved meditation and realised I had done this my whole life when I used my imagination. As a young girl I was always told off in school for daydreaming but now I understand this is part of my gift.

My life evolved into doing readings for people professionally, teaching classes such as the law of attraction, psychic development, how to find your inside happiness and soul to soul classes. I began to recognise my soul as being my inner compass and I knew it would always guide me towards the highest good.

Wendy Terry
Wendy Terry

Nine years ago my soul brought me back to England to be with my first love. This was by far my hardest journey as I left a 28 year marriage behind; as well as my family and a life I had known for 33 years. This led me on a path of self discovery, encouraging me to look deeper inside my soul. This process allowed me to discover the life changing methods of Emotional Energy Releasing.  

“I was the happiest I had ever been, and at the same time, I was the saddest.” 

I began releasing sadness everyday, just for a few minutes each time. I said yes to sadness and  I heard a voice inside my head saying “thank you – thank you for this lesson” and “send it love as it dissolves the energy”  and released it all through my breath. I progressed to another layer called “hurt” and I released that. I then got to “guilt” and “pain”, followed by “stupidity”, “unworthiness” and “feeling bad” - everyday I continued to release my emotions as I worked through the layers. Until one day, when I thought I could not stand the pain anymore, I did not want to hurt my family. I sobbed and sobbed, wanting to take my own life – maybe if I took my life my family would not hurt anymore? They struggled to understand that I was still a loving, compassionate person who loved them so much. I actually loved them more as I came through this journey, no matter what they said or did to me I understood them and continued to be kind and loving to them.

“I was learning the power of unconditional love.”

Wendy Terry

One day I heard a powerful voice from above say “write”. I was having some incredible experiences with my clients and I was learning so much about the afterlife and why things happen down here on earth. People who had taken their own lives came to me showing me that suicide isn’t always what people think. I did not know any of this and it brought peace to their loved ones left struggling with the aftermath of their death. So I listened and I began to write, not having a clue about how to publish a book! As life evolved spirit brought me to the people I needed to bring my book to life, including a photographer, a graphic designer and a publisher. This in itself brought up a lot of emotion as I had to face my fear of looking “stupid” which was a big block for me.

I moved beyond my comfort zone by focusing on the one person my book would help. I finally pushed through my fear and my book “The Different Levels of Death and Suicide” was published in May 2018. I wrote my book to help one person and help them understand death from a different angle to help bring them peace. My book went number one on Amazon and has helped many people world wide.

Today I am incredibly proud of myself for facing my fears and pushing through those struggles. I now understand that my journey has taught me adaptability, inner strength and the ability to not take things personally.

“We all come to earth to learn and experience something.”

Because I have done my “inside work” and continue to do so, I can now help people understand how their energy works; as everyone is unique. I help people dive deeper inside their soul to find fulfilment, happiness peace and connection.

I have learnt that I am the only one that can keep my light shining bright.

I have learnt to become my own best friend and now find it very easy to teach others to do the same.  I personally can only teach what I have achieved for myself as this is what takes me and my clients deeper. I know the process inside and out and am able to fully communicate this with my clients. I rediscovered my true self and this is something I can help you with.  Thank you for being here and for going deeper on your soul journey. This journey only takes you higher into your light.

Wendy Terry